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Equalearning's MQ Motivation Science Lab
National Tsing-Hua University

In 2022, Equalearning began cooperation with teachers and students from the Department of Education and Learning Technology of National Tsing Hua University to establish the MQ Motivation Science Lab.


2022-23 R&D Axis

  1. MQ's applied research in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) is leading to the developing of specially tailored teaching plans and curriculum. Co-organized seminars and published papers on industrial-academic cooperation projects.

  2. In terms of entering the technology industry, our Motivation Quotient Lab is working jointly with partners to develop MQ and cultivate MQ programs that combine corporate ESG strategies and talent to further develop sustainable learning in both academics and professional environements.

  3. In terms of teacher training, MQ Passion Lab is also working to develop Motivation Quotient courses and teaching plans at the university level.

  4. Passion Lab also cooperates with the teachers and students of the teaching department in the English-Language STEAM MQ workshop, and use MQ to guide students to understand themselves better in terms of their instrinsic motivation to apply them in learning across all fields of study.

R&D Team Members

Professor Chiu Fu-Yuan

R&D Project Co-Host

Department of Education and Learning Technology National Tsing Hua University

Dr. Lucas Tsai

Research Staff

VP of Engineering, PQaire

Christine Wang PQaire

Christine Wang 

Business Data and Marketing Intelligence Analyst, Curriculum Planner/ Designer

Andy Lu 

PhD student, research topic is Learning PQ in ESG application research

Millie Huang 

Postgraduate student in the master class, the research topic is the Application Research of Learning PQ in the field of STEAM/STEM Technology

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